ANZCAP Pharmacy Student of the Year

The Pharmacy Student of the Year award from the Australian and New Zealand College of Advanced Pharmacy (ANZCAP) honours students embracing portfolio-building to help further their pharmacy careers.

The recipient, to be announced in September, will be awarded with an all-inclusive trip to Adelaide in November for Medicines Management 2024, Australia’s largest annual scientific pharmacy conference.

Access and eligibility

  • Student access to ANZCAP is free with AdPha membership; AdPha membership is also free.
  • In its inaugural year, nominations for the Pharmacy Student of the Year award are open to Australian pharmacy students via the ANZCAP platform.
  • To enter, student must submit an ANZCAP Custom Portfolio that demonstrates diversity in their knowledge and skills, including at least six (6) of the 11 student Learning Experiences (LXs) currently available through ANZCAP.
  • Entry is via self-nomination; no supporting referrals or testimonials are required.

How to enter 

  • Enter ANZCAP (see guidance under 'Related Documents' at the end of this page: Students; how to access ANZCAP).
  • Complete at least six (6) of the 11 student Learning Experiences (LXs) through your custom portfolio (view further information on how to build a custom portfolio)
  • Complete a personal statement of no more than 500 words detailing why you think you should be recognised as the ANZCAP Pharmacy Student of the Year 2024.  
  • Submit your nomination via the online form here by no later than 5.00pm Saturday 31 August. 
  • Finalists/winner will be notified by phone by Friday 13 September. 

Award Information 

The recipient of the ANZCAP Pharmacy Student of the Year for 2024 will be awarded: 

  • Registration to MM2024 (Adelaide, 14-16 Nov 2024)1  
  • Economy flights to Adelaide from their nearest capital city2 
  • Reimbursement of accommodation costs for 3 nights (Thurs - Sat) up to the value of $250/night 

1By agreeing to attend MM2024, the student agrees to the terms and conditions of this event. 

2Should the winning student normally reside in Adelaide, this person will receive registration and accommodation as above without the inclusion of flights. 

View full Terms and Conditions.

Award timeline

  • Wednesday 1 May: Nominations open
  • Saturday 31 August: Nominations close
  • Friday 13 September: Winner contacted
  • September 2024: Winner announced
  • November 2024: Winner to travel to MM2024 as part of their award.

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