
Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) - formerly known as SHPA - has seven branches across Australia which play a key role addressing issues specific to their region and advocating for hospital pharmacy with state/territory governments, local universities and other pharmacy bodies.

They also facilitate local continuing education/CPD events for AdPha members and other pharmacists; produce branch newsletters and engage with members via Facebook Groups.

Find out more about the purpose, establishment, membership and governance of Branches in the SHPA Branch Guidelines (2020).

AdPha 2025 Branch Committee - Call for Nominations opening soon!

Branches are a crucial component of every AdPha Member’s engagement with AdPha. If you're a current Full Pharmacist, Fellow or Technician Member*, consider nominating for this great opportunity to contribute to the advancement of your profession through involvement in continuing education, advocacy and membership activities.

Branch Committee Nomination Form

Important: Technician Representatives

If you are nominating for the Technician Representative position on your Branch Committee, you must complete this form:

Technician Representative Nomination Form