Australian Injectable Drugs Handbook

The Australian Injectable Drugs Handbook provides up-to-date and vital information on more than 500 injectable medicines and is an essential frontline resource ensuring patient safety and quality care.

Every monograph has been reviewed by pharmacists and nurses to ensure information is correct, current and relevant to Australian practice.

For more than 25 years, AIDH has provided health professionals with respected, evidence-based information in a comprehensive one-stop reference, assisting with best clinical practice and productivity.

The new 9th edition has been comprehensively updated and includes:

  • Information on more than 60 new medicines
  • Extension of paediatric information to include more than 240 medicines, with administration advice expanded to include the intramuscular (IM) and subcutaneous routes 
  • Comprehensively updated information about potentially hazardous medicines and occupational risk
  • Guidance for priority use of smart infusion pumps and identification of time-critical medicines

AIDH 9th edition is available in print and online

Order your copy now →

See what's new in AIDH9 →

View the 'how to use' video guide for nurses and other healthcare professionals →

Accessing AIDH online

For enquiries about online subscriptions contact

If your hospital or university has an online subscription to the AIDH  you can also access the content on your smartphone or tablet. Connect to your hospital or university wi-fi, then open your browser and go to


AIDH online is updated quarterly. View and print updated and new medicine monographs.

Volunteer to review for the next edition

Every monograph in the AIDH is reviewed by pharmacists and nurses from a variety of practice settings to ensure that information is accurate, current and relevant to Australian practice. The contribution of reviewers is acknowledged in the introductory pages of the AIDH and an honorarium is paid. Review of the AIDH may contribute to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points. Expressions of interest should include your areas of interest and level of experience and can be emailed to

Archived monographs

Find monographs for medicines that are no longer included in the current edition here. These medicines may be rarely used or difficult to obtain. The monographs have not been updated since the original publication date.


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