
Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) - formerly known as SHPA - offers a number of awards for members who make outstanding contributions to the profession of hospital pharmacy.  These awards recognise excellence and reward dedication and innovation, and we thank the recipients for their contribution to our profession.

AdPha Branch Awards

AdPha Members' Awards

AdPha Training Programs Awards

2024 AdPha Awards

Nominations for the 2024 AdPha Awards are now open!

Recognise your fellow pharmacists, subit yours today. Nominations close 11.59pm AEST, Sunday 6 October 2024.

Nominate today →

Fred J Boyd Award

Established in 1978 in memory of SHPA's Founding President, the Fred J Boyd Award is AdPha's most prestigious award, recognising a member who has made a significant contribution to hospital pharmacy in Australia through outstanding achievement impacting public health and patient care.

Fred J Boyd Award Criteria

2023 Kay Dunkley
2022 Prof Michael Dooley
2021 Prof Jason Roberts
2020 Prof Jeff  Hughes
2019 Steve Morris
2018 Associate Professor Ian Coombes
2017 Dr Danielle Stowasser
2016 Debra Rowett
2015 Sue Kirsa
2014 Emeritus Professor Lloyd Sansom AO
2013 Yvonne Allinson
2011 Bill Thomson
2009 Kingsley Coulthard
2007 Susan Alexander
2005 Margaret Duguid
2003 Mary Hemming
2001 John Low
1999 Ian Brand
1997 Frank May    
1995 Pam Nieman
1993 Virginia Richardson
1991 Arthur N Jones
1989 Aino Mackie
1987 Stanley W Hayes
1985 Percival L Jeffs
1983 Neil Naismith
1981 W G Mercer
1979 Barry Miller

The Australian Clinical Pharmacy Award

AdPha members are at the forefront of clinical pharmacy practice; AdPha's Australian Clinical Pharmacy Award recognises the outstanding contributions members make in this area and the crucial role pharmacists play in the patient journey.

Australian Clinical Pharmacy Award Criteria

2023 Dr Karlee Johnston
2022 Deirdre Criddle
2021 Sally Marotti
2020 Dr Erica Tong
2019 Matthew Rawlins
2018 Dr Rohan Elliott
2017 Dr Karen Whitfield
2016 Debbie Rigby
2015 Christine Carrington
2013 Sasha Bennett
2012 Jason Roberts
2011 Greg Roberts
2010 Garth Birdsey
2009 Susan Welch
2008 George Taylor
2007 Neil Cottrell
2006 Kirstie Galbraith
2005 Simone Taylor
2004 Michael Dooley
2003 Ian Coombes
2002 Debra Rowett
2001 Jeffery Hughes
2000 Dave Cosh
1999 Kingsley Coulthard
1998 Chris Alderman
1997 Chris Doeck

Medal of Merit

The Medal of Merit is awarded to an AdPha member in recognition of outstanding recent contributions and exemplary effort in hospital pharmacy practice. It was first awarded in 1962 as the Evans Medal of Merit to AdPha's founding president Fred J Boyd.

Medal of Merit Award Criteria

2023 Russell Levy
2022 Duncan McKenzie
2021 Kerry Fitzsimons
2020 Vaughn Eaton FSHP
2019 Tom Simpson
2018 Dr Lisa Pont
2017 Dr Michael Barras
2016 Kate Richardson
2015 Kirstie Galbraith
2014 Amber Polles (nee Roberts)
2013 David Kong
2012 Rohan Elliott
2011 Bhavini Patel
2010 Ian Coombes
2009 Naomi Burgess
2008 Jo-anne Brien
2007 Rosemary Burke
2006 Karen Kaye
2005 Helen Dowling
2004 Danielle Stowasser
2003 Michael Dooley
2002 Penny Thornton
2001 Graeme Vernon
2000 Karen Allen
1999 Jenny Johnstone
1998 Jeff Hughes
1997 Susan Tett
1996 David Cosh
1995 Kay Hynes
1994 Roberta Lauchlan
1993 Christopher Alderman
1992 John Low
1991 Ian Larmour
1990 Pam Nieman
1989 Michael J Ryan
1988 Richard Plumridge
1987 Frank May
1986 Mary Hemming
1984 Sr. Marie Therese Rosenberg
1983 Arthur Jones
1982 Byron Guthrie
1981 William Thomson
1980 Barrie Miller
1979 Frank Ryan
1978 John Dickson
1977 Michael Wyer
1976 Melvyn Davis
1975 Neil W. Naismith
1971 John Wrench
1970 Barrie Miller
1969 Edward Phelan
1967 Mavis Sweeney
1964 Stanley Hayes MBE
1964 P. Lance Jeffs
1963 Charles Macgibbon
1962 Fred J Boyd JP


AdPha Branch Awards

Each year AdPha is inspired by the commitment and dedication of our Members and their contribution to pharmacy. The Branch Awards provides the opportunity to recognise the achievements of your fellow AdPha Members. All financial AdPhaMembers are eligible for Branch Awards, and we encourage you to begin the search and nominate your peers or colleagues!

Plus: Do you know someone worthy of recognition in another Branch? This year, Members are able to nominate their peers from outside their own Branch. You can also nominate yourself for an Award!

2024 Branch Award winners

Achievement Award

Hameda Lane

Deputy Director of Pharmacy Clinical, Canberra Hospital

As Deputy Director of Pharmacy (Clinical) at The Canberra Hospital, Hameda had a profound impact through her empathetic leadership, fostering growth and success in her colleagues. Her innovative work in integrating a remote clinical pharmacist workforce and developing remote training programs has greatly improved healthcare delivery across the Territory. Hameda’s dedication to mentorship has created pathways for advanced training in areas like Antimicrobial Stewardship and Critical Care, while her commitment to patient care is evident in initiatives such as partnered pharmacist medication charting, which has improved medication safety. Her selfless leadership, innovation, and support for her team make her a deserving recipient of the Pharmacist Achievement Award.

Early Career Pharmacist award

Samah Abushahla

Pharmacist, Canberra Hospital

Samah is recognised for her exceptional dedication to pharmacy and healthcare, with her contributions extending far beyond her expected role. She excelled in her residency program and was a standout participant in the Resident of the Year competition in 2023. As a member of the Canberra Hospital residency steering committee, she implemented improvements that significantly enhanced the program, benefiting both pharmacists and patients. Samah is a committed mentor to interns and newly registered pharmacists, providing invaluable guidance. She is also a key member of the multidisciplinary team, offering expertise and support to colleagues. Her completion of the Partnered Pharmacist Medication Charting training has advanced her skills in medication safety. Additionally, Samah is an advocate for diversity and inclusion, demonstrated through her involvement in leadership courses for women and the multicultural emerging female leaders’ network.

Hospital Team Innovation Award

Remote Clinical Pharmacy Service

Canberra Hospital

Led by Monica Rayson, The Canberra Hospital remote clinical pharmacy team has demonstrated innovation and collaboration by addressing workforce shortages through the recruitment of remote pharmacists. This initiative, implemented in 2023, brought experienced pharmacists into the service, allowing the team to expand clinical offerings, including overnight services from overseas pharmacists. By integrating remote pharmacists with local teams, the department enhanced mentorship and professional development for early-career pharmacists. The team also optimised the medication reconciliation process by involving dispensary technicians and allied health assistants, empowering them to work at the top of their scope. Their efforts not only improved patient care but also supported staff well-being through regular check-ins and group sessions, contributing to enhanced staff retention and a positive work culture. 

Intern Award

Michael Chan

Intern Pharmacist, Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick 

Michael is recognised for his exceptional performance and contributions in the workplace and to the pharmacy profession through his proactive student role on the AdPha NSW Branch. At the Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, Michael helped draft new Standard Operating Procedures for the distribution of S8 medicines to the wards, successfully set up the first intern-led pharmacy ward service, which has significantly reduced the workload on the dispensary, and is assisting with the data collection for the Partnered Pharmacist Medication Charting in Children and Young People research project. He is a true team player who actively engages with his colleagues, shares ideas and seeks input from others. 

Early Career Pharmacist award

Jessica Pace

Associate Lecturer, Sydney Pharmacy School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney 

Jessica is an outstanding educator committed to quality education that meets the needs of students and motivates them to achieve their goals. Recognising her unique skills and significant body of research, Jessica was appointed co-theme lead for ethics and professionalism at the Sydney Pharmacy School, University of Sydney, as well as inaugural Dispensing and Forensics coordinator for all degree programs. The successful implementation of four ethics and professionalism workshops, the dispensing program and associated assessments in 2023 and 2024 saw Jessica nominated for the university’s Educational Innovation and Faculty of Medicine and Health Makers and Shakers Awards, while she was chosen to lead the development of pharmacotherapeutics content for the university’s new Doctor of Dental Medicine and Doctor of Physiotherapy degrees.

Technician Award

Sally Woodward

NVSS Pharmacy Service coordinator, NSW Voluntary Assisted Dying Support Services 

Sally is recognised for her pivotal role as coordinator of the statewide NSW Voluntary Assisted Dying pharmacy service. Sally demonstrated high-level technical skills, expertise in hospital pharmacy practice, an ability to rise to new challenges and sensitively and effectively navigate a range of issues during implementation of the service, which saw pressured timelines amid a high-stakes and emotive environment. Her achievements include leading the procurement of medications and equipment, making significant contributions to design of medication-use processes, leading capital works to accommodate the service, design and implementation of novel processes for dispensing, packaging and delivery of medicines, along with designing positions, recruiting and management of technician staff. 

Achievement Award

Julianne Chong

Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)/Anticoagulation Stewardship (ACS) and Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) Pharmacist, Concord Repatriation General Hospital (CRGH)/Canterbury Hospital (CANT)

Julianne is recognised as a pioneer in Anticoagulation Stewardship (ACS), having implemented the first pharmacist-led VTE Stewardship program in NSW. Elected as the inaugural co-chair of the Thrombosis and Haemostasis Society of Australia and New Zealand (THANZ) ACS Network in 2023, Julianne successfully lobbied for the inclusion of Anticoagulation in the list of pharmacist specialities within the Australian and New Zealand College of Advanced Pharmacy (ANZCAP) in February 2024. Julianne is an international leader in VTE stewardship, receiving a prestigious Churchill Fellowship to travel to ACS sites across the United States, United Kingdom and Canada, and spoke on her transnational initiative to increase awareness of VTE prevention at the International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Congress in 2024.

Hospital Team Innovation Award

Paediatric Opportunistic Vaccination Service Team

Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick 

The new Paediatric Opportunistic Vaccination service established at Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick in 2024 incorporates dedicated, integrated pharmacy support. Key roles for the Immunisation Pharmacist and the team include the safe and aseptic provision of BCG vaccines, timely access to both National Immunisation Program (NIP) and non-NIP immunisations for opportunistic outpatients, as well as screening and clinical eligibility assessment for other relevant opportunistic immunisations. The service has been in consistently high demand, facilitating access to 81 BCG vaccines and 109 opportunistic vaccinations, while the pharmacist has been instrumental in the identification and provision of novel RSV immunisation to 234 patients.

2024 recipients coming soon!

Achievement Award

Alice Gilbert

Policy Maker and Strategist, Northern Territory Department of Health

Alice is a dedicated and passionate pharmacist, currently serving as a Policy Maker and Strategist at the Northern Territory Medicines Management Unit. With senior roles across SA and NT, she is highly respected for her expertise in mental health, medication management, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. Alice's leadership has been recognised with the 2023 NT Health Allied Health Excellence Award and several professional excellence awards. She has been a Pharmacy Board of Australia member since 2018 and a founding fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Advanced Pharmacists. Known for her research contributions and mentorship, Alice actively collaborates with the NT Pharmacy Team, making her a valuable asset to the profession.

PL Jeffs Early Career Pharmacist Award​​​​​​​

Hana Amer

PhD Candidate and Pharmacist, University of South Australia and SA Pharmacy​​​​​​​

Hana has made significant contributions to advancing pharmacy practice through her leadership in the statewide evaluation of Partnered Pharmacist Medication Prescribing (PPMP) within SA Health, as part of her PhD with SA Pharmacy. Her research has shown that PPMP reduces medication discrepancies compared to independent medical prescribing, and her findings have been pivotal in Ministerial briefings. Hana has been instrumental in developing protocols and training as part of the PPMP Steering Committee and the SA Pharmacy Regional PPMC Working Group. She also secured over $1.4 million as a Chief Investigator for a Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) grant to further evaluate partnered prescribing. Her work spans medication safety, addressing high-risk inpatients, and simplifying medication management for residential care patients. Additionally, Hana contributes to education by tutoring and supervising pharmacy students and interns, ensuring their professional growth.

Technician Award

Rhys Wright

Senior Project Officer, SA Pharmacy​​​​​​​

Rhys has extensive experience and leadership in hospital pharmacy across South Australia. As the Project Officer and Pharmacy Technician Lead for the SA Pharmacy Statewide Cancer Services Program, Rhys has played a pivotal role in implementing the iQemo system, enhancing cancer medication supply and improving patient safety. He has also led workforce development initiatives, including creating a strategic three-year cancer services workforce plan and developing a Cancer Pharmacy Technician Framework. Rhys’s leadership in regional services has bolstered technician training, improved operational efficiency, and optimized pharmacy care for regional cancer patients. His contributions have significantly advanced pharmacy practice, technician development, and patient care, making him a key member of the SA Pharmacy team.

Hospital Team Innovation Award

Community Pharmacy Scope of Practice Team

SA Health ​​​​​​​

The team has developed three community pharmacy initiatives in South Australia to improve access to care and reduce hospital presentations: UTI Services, Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) Resupply Services, and 24-hour Community Pharmacy Services. These initiatives aim to provide timely treatment, particularly for women, and ease the burden on primary care and emergency departments. Since their introduction in early 2024, over 2,800 women have accessed UTI treatment, and 160 women have used the OCP resupply service. Additionally, three 24-hour pharmacies have provided after-hours care to over 35,500 customers. These initiatives enhance healthcare access and are being closely monitored for continued success.

Achievement Award

Eileen Quin

Clinical Pharmacy Manager, Launceston General Hospital

Eileen's remarkable 45-year career as a pharmacist deserves celebration. She has gained diverse experiences and developed a wide range of skills, particularly in hospital pharmacy, including working in remote areas where she built a strong appreciation for diversity. As the Clinical Pharmacy Manager at LGH, Eileen has demonstrated outstanding leadership and has been a strong advocate for women in leadership roles. Notably, she played a key role in implementing the Pharmacist Partnered Medication Charting (PPMC) initiative at LGH, further contributing to the advancement of the profession.

Hospital Team Innovation Award

Wellington Pharmacy

Royal Hobart Hospital​​​​​​​

In late 2023, Wellington Pharmacy at the Royal Hobart Hospital undertook a review of its prescription management processes to address excessive workload and high stress levels among staff. After identifying workflow issues, the dispensary management team proposed changes, including technician-led triaging, designated technician roles, and closing pharmacist counters to minimise interruptions. Drawing on input from the Royal Adelaide Hospital's similar initiative, a working group implemented these changes in January 2024. Informal and formal feedback from staff has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting reduced stress, clearer role delineation, and better workflow control. This successful optimisation will now serve as a model for the Main Pharmacy.

2024 recipients coming soon!

Achievement Award


Intern Award

Istri Febyanti

Intern Pharmacist, Southwest Hospital Pharmacy 

Istri “Chika” Febyanti embodies the qualities of an exemplary hospital pharmacy intern where she has demonstrated exceptional leadership and commitment to patient care. As the 2024 WA AdPha Intern Representative, she led key initiatives such as the Take Home Naloxone program and an insulin administration policy review, improving patient safety and medication management. Chika's involvement in the clinical areas of coronary care, general medicine, surgery and palliative care showcase her critical thinking and commitment to optimal medication management and chemotherapy preparation. Her dedication to professional development, including training new staff and working in regional healthcare, demonstrates her passion for improving pharmacy practice and healthcare delivery in underserved areas. 

Jenny Benzie Early Career Pharmacist Award

Kieran Broderick

Complex Care Coordinator, Complex Needs coordination team CoNeCT 

Kieran has made significant contributions to pharmacy, particularly in transitional care. He has excelled in various roles, including Complex Care Coordinator and Deputy Director of Pharmacy. Kieran co-designed pharmacy ward technician roles at St John of God Midland, improving medication profiles and discharge processes. In his operational roles at Fiona Stanley Hospital, Kieran assisted in the implementation of various quality improvement initiatives, such as shared care dispensing arrangements and implementing a HIV community access program, enhancing medication accessibility and patient safety. As part of the Complex Needs Coordination Team (CoNeCT), Kieran collaborates with multidisciplinary teams to provide comprehensive case management, focusing on medication-related issues. His advocacy for transitional care and participation in national initiatives like AdPha’s MedsAware program highlights his commitment to improving patient outcomes.  

Technician Award

Victoria Johnson

WACHS Senior Pharmacy Technician, WACHS

Victoria "Vicqi" Johnson has made outstanding contributions to WACHS Pharmacy Services, demonstrating leadership, innovation and a commitment to improving medicines management across regional hospitals in Western Australia. As an experienced senior technician with experience in community and hospital pharmacy, Vicqi led the establishment of pharmacy departments at Karratha, Northam and Esperance Hospitals, significantly reducing medication lead times and enhancing patient safety. She pioneered a virtual Senior Pharmacy Technician role, leading the regional Goldfields technician workforce remotely and ensuring the continuity of vital services during workforce shortages. Vicqi standardised pharmacy and supply catalogues for the Goldfields, Great Southern and Pilbara regions to ensure efficient supply continuity and recall management and to ensure a unified approach to medicines management across WACHS. Vicqi is known for her exceptional leadership, providing training for new technicians and supporting nurses in understanding regional medication supply. 

Hospital Team Innovation Award

Renal Pharmacist Outreach team

Fiona Stanley Hospital

The Renal Pharmacy Team at Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH) has demonstrated exceptional dedication to improving the care of nephrology patients across Western Australia since 2015. Beginning as a single Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) position, the team has grown to three FTE positions, allowing them to specialise in outpatient and inpatient nephrology care. The team has developed new models of care, expanding services to reduce hospital admissions, optimise medication management and support renal transplant patients, regardless of their location. They provide crucial services such as dialysis medication reviews, regional visits and specialised clinics, including a Glomerulonephritis and Pharmacogenomics clinic. Their commitment to addressing healthcare disparities, particularly among Indigenous patients and improving patient outcomes makes them a vital part of the state's nephrology care network. Their innovative approach and dedication have earned them recognition for their outstanding contribution to pharmacy and patient care. 

See Previous Branch Award recipients.

AdPha Members' Awards

Launched in 2019 and complementing the prestigious annual AdPha Awards (bestowed by the Board of Directors) and AdPha Branch Awards across states and territories, these national awards provide an exciting new platform through which peers recognise the growth, leadership and achievements of a hospital pharmacist, technician or pharmacy assistant, and a hospital team.

AdPha Early Career Pharmacist of the Year

This award celebrates an emerging leader who has undertaken work which addresses one or more of the five national competency framework domains and demonstrates their commitment to leading Australian pharmacy.

2023 Ashleigh Lawrence (WA)
2022 Benita Suckling (Qld)
2021 Megan Clark (Vic)
2020 Phil Tibbits (Tas)
2019 Dr Jacinta Johnson (SA/NT) ('Emerging Leader of the Year' in inaugural year)

AdPha Technician of the Year

This award celebrates a technician or pharmacy assistant whose project, initiative or work demonstrates or promises measurable impact on quality use of medicines, patient care, and/or staff wellbeing.

2023 Tara Clayson-Fisher (Tas)
2022 Katie Ambrose (Tas)
2021 Luke Corbett (Tas)
2020 Liza D'Ettorre (Tas)
2019 Gemma Kemsley (Vic)

AdPha Hospital Team of the Year

This award celebrates a pharmacist-led team which has undertaken a multi-disciplinary project, initiative or work which demonstrates or promises measurable impact on quality use of medicines, patient care, and/or staff wellbeing.

2023 VAD Pharmacy Project Team (Tas)
2022 The Bedside Medication Management (BMM) Project (Tas)
2021 Western NSW Local Health District Virtual Clinical Pharmacy Service Team (NSW)
2020 The WACHS TeleChemotherapy Cancer Team (WA)
2019 TOPCare Cardiology Project, Ballarat Health Services (Vic)

AdPha Resident of the Year Award

This award celebrates the achievements of AdPha members who have completed their second year in the Resident Training Program, Australia’s first structured, formalised, supported and accredited national pharmacy residency program.

2023 Emma Dall'Alba (Qld)
2022 Rhiannon Froude (Vic)
2021 James Ford (Vic)
2020 Mika Varitimos (Qld)
2019 Jacinta Castello (Vic)

AdPha Registrar of the Year Award

AdPha is excited to announce the inaugural Registrar of the Year award in 2024. This award aims to recognise and reward excellence and dedication to advanced pharmacy practice in a pharmacist who has recently completed the Registrar Training Program