
Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) - formerly known as SHPA - offers a number of awards for members who make outstanding contributions to the profession of hospital pharmacy.  These awards recognise excellence and reward dedication and innovation, and we thank the recipients for their contribution to our profession.

AdPha Branch Awards

AdPha Members' Awards

AdPha Training Programs Awards

AdPha Awards

Fred J Boyd Award

Established in 1978 in memory of SHPA's Founding President, the Fred J Boyd Award is AdPha's most prestigious award, recognising a member who has made a significant contribution to hospital pharmacy in Australia through outstanding achievement impacting public health and patient care.

Fred J Boyd Award Criteria

2023 Kay Dunkley
2022 Prof Michael Dooley
2021 Prof Jason Roberts
2020 Prof Jeff  Hughes
2019 Steve Morris
2018 Associate Professor Ian Coombes
2017 Dr Danielle Stowasser
2016 Debra Rowett
2015 Sue Kirsa
2014 Emeritus Professor Lloyd Sansom AO
2013 Yvonne Allinson
2011 Bill Thomson
2009 Kingsley Coulthard
2007 Susan Alexander
2005 Margaret Duguid
2003 Mary Hemming
2001 John Low
1999 Ian Brand
1997 Frank May    
1995 Pam Nieman
1993 Virginia Richardson
1991 Arthur N Jones
1989 Aino Mackie
1987 Stanley W Hayes
1985 Percival L Jeffs
1983 Neil Naismith
1981 W G Mercer
1979 Barry Miller

The Australian Clinical Pharmacy Award

AdPha members are at the forefront of clinical pharmacy practice; AdPha's Australian Clinical Pharmacy Award recognises the outstanding contributions members make in this area and the crucial role pharmacists play in the patient journey.

Australian Clinical Pharmacy Award Criteria

2023 Dr Karlee Johnston
2022 Deirdre Criddle
2021 Sally Marotti
2020 Dr Erica Tong
2019 Matthew Rawlins
2018 Dr Rohan Elliott
2017 Dr Karen Whitfield
2016 Debbie Rigby
2015 Christine Carrington
2013 Sasha Bennett
2012 Jason Roberts
2011 Greg Roberts
2010 Garth Birdsey
2009 Susan Welch
2008 George Taylor
2007 Neil Cottrell
2006 Kirstie Galbraith
2005 Simone Taylor
2004 Michael Dooley
2003 Ian Coombes
2002 Debra Rowett
2001 Jeffery Hughes
2000 Dave Cosh
1999 Kingsley Coulthard
1998 Chris Alderman
1997 Chris Doeck

Medal of Merit

The Medal of Merit is awarded to an AdPha member in recognition of outstanding recent contributions and exemplary effort in hospital pharmacy practice. First awarded in 1962 as the Evans Medal of Merit to AdPha's founding president Fred J Boyd, it was awarded 46 times as the Evans Medal of Merit, Allen and Hanbury Medal of Merit, Glaxo Medal of Merit, Glaxo Wellcome Medal of Merit and finally the Glaxo Smith Kline Medal of Merit, which was presented for the final time in 2013.

Medal of Merit Award Criteria

2023 Russell Levy
2022 Duncan McKenzie
2021 Kerry Fitzsimons
2020 Vaughn Eaton FSHP
2019 Tom Simpson
2018 Dr Lisa Pont
2017 Dr Michael Barras
2016 Kate Richardson
2015 Kirstie Galbraith
2014 Amber Polles (nee Roberts)
2013 David Kong
2012 Rohan Elliott
2011 Bhavini Patel
2010 Ian Coombes
2009 Naomi Burgess
2008 Jo-anne Brien
2007 Rosemary Burke
2006 Karen Kaye
2005 Helen Dowling
2004 Danielle Stowasser
2003 Michael Dooley
2002 Penny Thornton
2001 Graeme Vernon
2000 Karen Allen
1999 Jenny Johnstone
1998 Jeff Hughes
1997 Susan Tett
1996 David Cosh
1995 Kay Hynes
1994 Roberta Lauchlan
1993 Christopher Alderman
1992 John Low
1991 Ian Larmour
1990 Pam Nieman
1989 Michael J Ryan
1988 Richard Plumridge
1987 Frank May
1986 Mary Hemming
1984 Sr. Marie Therese Rosenberg
1983 Arthur Jones
1982 Byron Guthrie
1981 William Thomson
1980 Barrie Miller
1979 Frank Ryan
1978 John Dickson
1977 Michael Wyer
1976 Melvyn Davis
1975 Neil W. Naismith
1971 John Wrench
1970 Barrie Miller
1969 Edward Phelan
1967 Mavis Sweeney
1964 Stanley Hayes MBE
1964 P. Lance Jeffs
1963 Charles Macgibbon
1962 Fred J Boyd JP


AdPhaBranch Awards

Now closed!

Each year AdPha is inspired by the commitment and dedication of our Members and their contribution to pharmacy. The Branch Awards provides the opportunity to recognise the achievements of your fellow AdPha Members. All financial AdPhaMembers are eligible for Branch Awards, and we encourage you to begin the search and nominate your peers or colleagues!

Plus: Do you know someone worthy of recognition in another Branch? This year, Members are able to nominate their peers from outside their own Branch. You can also nominate yourself for an Award!

2023 Branch Award winners

2023 Achievement Award:

Fallon Grieve

Lead Pharmacist, Division of Medicine + Emergency , Canberra Health Services  (CHS)

Fallon is highly valued for her support, leadership and mentorship of both her peers and junior pharmacists. Fallon is a credentialled restorative supervisor, supporting other pharmacists to navigate difficult situations, and is a designated mentor for SHPA’s Residency Program at CHS. In June 2023, Fallon piloted a 24-hour Emergency Department (ED) pharmacy service which has since led to ongoing expansion of pharmacists’ scope in the ED.  

2023 Intern Award:

Isabelle Armstrong

Intern Pharmacist, Canberra Health Services  (CHS)

Isabelle is committed to continuously improving her skills and knowledge in clinical pharmacy practice. Throughout her internship, Isabelle has actively sought feedback, reflected, and taken the initiative to further her education. She is also valued for her communicative and collaborative skills, leading to strong patient-pharmacist relationships and a positive work environment. Isabelle's Health Promotion Project focused on health professional hand hygiene to prevent hospital-acquired infections, which entailed collecting data from each ward to prepare an engaging presentation for staff. 

2023 Hospital Team Innovation Award:

Pharmacy Inventory Management System (PIMS)

The PIMS project is a collaboration between CHS, Calvary Public Hospital Bruce and the ACT Health Digital Solutions Division (DSD) to implement a single Territory-wide MerlinMAP pharmacy information system, integrated with the ACT’s Digital Health Record (DHR). This facilitates digitisation of pharmacy workflows throughout ACT’s public hospitals.  

This project was led by Monica Rayson (CHS) and Sarah Smith (North Canberra Hospital) throughout 2022. Their project leadership spanned several areas, from data configuration to training efforts, and they are recognised for their meticulousness, collaboration and dedication in doing so. The project has successfully resulted in pharmacy workflows being digitised, which is expected to reduce medication errors and streamline access to medicines for patients.   

2023 Achievement Award:

Tony Lai

Grade 3 Senior Pharmacist-Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS), The Children’s Hospital at Westmead 

Tony is commited to leading for positive change in pharmacy. He frequently shares his expertise on infectious diseases and antimicrobial stewardship with industry peers, from forum participation and research co-authorship to involvement in numerous committees and editorial groups. A dedicated educator, he also regularly contributes to SHPA’s education events. Recently, Tony together with Profesor Jason A Roberts has been awarded a Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) grant for the Pharmacogenomics for better treatment of fungal infections in cancer (PRAGMATIC) study.

2023 Early Career Pharmacist Award:

Martina Francis 

Medication Management Team Leader, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District 

Martina, a registered pharmacist since 2018, is responsible for a team of 15 pharmacy staff members across four hospitals through her role as Medication Management Team Leader. Martina's team supports medication continuity across transition of care, and her strong leadership is evident of her long-held interest in medication continuity upon hospital admission. Also servng as the lead pharmacist for the Partnered Pharmacist Medication Charting (PPMC) pilot trial at St George Hospital, Martina is positioned to make great improvements within Australian pharmacy through her leadership skills and dedication.

2023 Intern Award:

Kingston Yeung

Intern Pharmacist, Wollongong Hospital 

Kingston stands out with his passion for patient care through education and counselling. Throughout his internship, he has delivered several patient education presentations and designed an updated brochure for patients on managing acute pain at home. Kingston is also passionate about building active connections between members of the profession. As an intern observer with SHPA’s NSW Branch, he has been involved in organising and presenting the ‘How to get into Hospital Pharmacy’ and NSW Branch Trivia Night events. Kingston brings his characteristic enthusiasm, strong communication skills, and ability to get others involved to a bright future in pharmacy.

2023 Hospital Team Innovation of the Year Award:

Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Pharmacy Department – Lifehouse Academy 

Established in late 2022, the Lifehouse Academy program delivers training programs for pharmacists in the first stages of a new role within a cancer care facility, in which they are responsible for verification, dispensing and supply of cancer treatments. The Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Pharmacy Department designed a multidisciplinary, patient-centred program that covers all aspects of oncology pharmacy practice. Since its establishment, the team has trained 21 pharmacists who have shown great improvement in understanding of oncology pharmacists’ roles.

Team members: Whiter Tang, Project Lead & Deputy Director of Pharmacy; Matt Roper, Production and Quality Manager; Janet Gaon, IT Projects and Senior Clinical Trials Pharmacist; Daniel King, Inpatient Services Manager

2023 Wiliam Harris Achievement Award:

Kristoffer Johnstone

Advanced Pharmacist and Team Leader - Cancer Care, Cairns Hospital

Kristoffer (Kris) Johnstone demonstrates his commitment to excellence in practice. Respected for his research in cancer care, he is currently undertaking a higher research degree to investigate the barriers of cancer patients receiving vaccinations and the role of pharmacists in addressing these barriers. He is also a part of various other research projects on barriers to cancer patients' vaccinations and cancer treatment. Kristoffer is actively involved in leadership roles as the Team Leader of Cancer Care Pharmacy at Cairns and Hinterland Hospital Health Service (CHHHS) and various other  committes that allow him to educate and mentor while sharing his knowledge and expertise in the field.

2023 Early Career Pharmacist Award:

Rachael Baartz

Acting Drug Use Evaluation Pharmacist, Sunshine Coast University Hospital

Rachael is recognised for her drive, enthusiasm and passion for multidisciplinary teamwork. Having recently completed her residency program, she has completed many quality improvement projects and is a mentor to new resident pharmacists, is involved in the review of complex patients, and provides colleague support to current pharmacist interns, new-to-hospital pharmacists, and university students. She is highly regarded by those she works with for her positivity and ability to inspire and motivate.

2023 Hospital Team Innovation of the Year Award:

Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) and Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH) Nephrology Pharmacist Advanced Training Residency Program team

The Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) and Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH) Nephrology Pharmacist Advanced Training Residency Program team established a cross-site collaboration to build and support mentoring capacity and learning opportunities for ATR candidates in the specialty area of Nephrology. Their educational opportunities have included variations in approach, expertise and personal reflections to fully enrich the learning of involved candidates. The first ATR candidates of this collaboration are on track to complete their residency by the end of 2023, and the program's success has led to plans to extend this cross-site collaboration to other ATRs.

2023 PL Jeffs Early Career Pharmacist Award:

Lauren Daniell

Clinician Pharmacist, Epic Pharmacy, Burnside Hospital

Lauren is regarded as an indispensable member of her team for her comunication skills and empathetic approach, also allowing her to connect with patients thoroughly. Lauren’s enthusiasm for education is evident, as she runs education sessions for nursing staff and inspires students to pursue careers in hospital pharmacy through networking events for the South Australian Pharmacy Students' Association (SAPSA).

2023 Intern Award:

Daniel Glisic

Intern Pharmacist, Whyalla Hospital and Health Services 

Throughout his internship, Daniel has demonstrated enthusiasm for interdisciplinary collaboration and education of best practices to enhance patient care. Daniel has engaged in discussions with medical professionals to enhance prescribing practices and conducted a number of presentations on topics of prescriber interest.

Valuing community in pharmacy, he arranged a gathering of over twenty-five pharmacy staff to network in Whyalla. Daniel is valued for his eagerness to learn and share resources with the public to provide the best practice possible. 

2023 Technician Award:

Tricia Holmes

Senior Pharmacy Technician - Pharmacy Service Coordinator, SA Pharmacy 

Tricia is a passionate advocate for the pharmacy technician workforce. Overseeing the Outpatient and Discharge RAH Pharmacy, she has been vital to the successful implementation of a workflow change that increases service delivery. This is through her visible leadership, ability to motivate and instil confidence in others, and active promotion of upskilling and opportunities. She is recognised as a true champion of her team and those in the technician workforce, working tirelessly to recognise areas that can be improved and celebrating others’ achievements. 

2023 Hospital Team Innovation of the Year Award:

SA Pharmacy Digital Team

Led by Michael Bakker, SA Pharmacy Digital Health Lead, the SA Pharmacy Digital Team has been instrumental in developing digital tools that have benefited pharmacy throughout SA. Serving a majority of the state’s public hospitals, the Team’s initiatives have included: a digital tool for managing requests for non-formulary products, an SA Pharmacy ClinCAT tracking tool, tools for monitoring activities for Partnered Charting Pharmacists, and several more. These initiatives have had a measurable impact on the quality use of medications, also supporting the ease and wellbeing of staff by improving their processes.

2023 Early Career Pharmacist Award:

 Bianca Jones

Pharmacy Manager - COVID@Homeplus, Royal Hobart Hospital

Bianca has proven herself to be a capable manager,  instrumental in providing leadership within her roles. She is currently working with the THS to expand virtual and home care services, and is recognised for her dedication in shaping the newly developed COVID@homeplus pharmacy service. Her responsibilities included recruitment, team leadership, and coordination of many other aspects of the program. Currently working with the Tasmanian Virtual Care team to further explore remote and virtual pharmacy services, she is set apart by her hard work and innovation in challenging and novel settings.

2023 Achievement Award:

Rebecca Shepley

Pharmacy Educator, Tasmanian Health Service North West/Statewide Hospital Pharmacy

Rebecca is known to go above and beyond to support staff and students in improving their professional lives. She is credited for the development of many local processes and documents - some of which have been adopted statewide - including credentialling Pharmacists under the Partnered Pharmaicst Medication Charting services within the region, developing a statewide process for inter-site rotations for interns acros Tasmania, and many more. She constantly strives to improve systems in place whie promoting the importance of wellbeing and open conversations.

2023 Technician Award:

Tara Clayson-Fisher

Statewide Pharmacy Technician Manager, Statewide Hospital Pharmacy, Tasmanian Health Service

Tara is viewed as a national leader and contributor who visibly drives the role of the Pharmacy Technician workforce nationally. She serves as a member of numerous committees through SHPA including the Technician Leadership Committee, the MM2023 Organising Committee, the Clinical Pharmacy Specialty Practice Standard editorial team and the Reference Group for SHPA Practice Recognition Program. Her policy and practice input is opening doors for pharmacy technician careers both in Tasmania and nationally.

2023 Hospital Team Innovation of the Year Award:

VAD Pharmacy Project team

The Voluntary Assisted Dying Pharmacy Project team - comprising Tom Simpson, Nicky Maddern, Catherine Drake and Lisa Stanton, with support from the Department of Health's Sarah Reeve and the subsequent Volutnary Assisted Dying Pharmacy Service - has been instrumental in the safe and successful delivery of Voluntary Assisted Dying in Tasmania. The project has been key in establishing VAD policies and procedures statewide. The VAD Pharmacy Project team has also designed a novel micro-credentialing framework and a clinical pharmacy review process specific to Tasmanian VAD to ensure the safe and appropriate use of Voluntary Assisted Dying medications across a range of care settings.

2023 Achievement Award:

Thuy Bui

Lead Pharmacist - Analgesic Stewardship and Perioperative Services, Alfred Health

Thuy is one of the pre-eminent specialist pharmacists in analgesic stewardship and perioperative medicine. Recently, she has served as the Clinical Lead for Safer Care Victoria’s (SCV) Analgesic Stewardship Program, contributed to the ACSQHC’s Opioid Analgesic Stewardship in Acute Pain Clinical Care Standard, and formed part of the expert panel that launched the standards. Highly esteemed for her guidance and direction, she is also known for the generosity and mentorship she provides to pharmacy students through her workplace and contributions to numerous Monash University and SHPA education programs.

2023 William Mercer Young Achiever Award:

Travis Phelan

Medication Safety and Guidelines Pharmacist, The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Travis is highly valued for his leadership and collaboration in improving the wellbeing of hospital pharmacy staff. As an integral member of the RMH Pharmacy Wellbeing Committee,Travis uses his innovative mindset to implement programs, initiatives and systems to support pharmacists across the department. Travis was the project lead for implementing the 'Joy in Work' framework for the RMH Pharmacy department and was a panelist at the 2022 Giant Steps conference, where he received great acclaim. His focus on wellness and wellbeing makes RMH Pharmacy a great place to work, providing high-quality patient care and creating an environment where staff are supported and valued.

2023 Intern Award:

Joanne Wickens

Intern Pharmacist, The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Joanne exhibits remarkable dedication and accomplishment within her contributions to pharmacy resarch and publication. Joanne was instrumental in launching the first and only pharmacy student journal in the world, the Australian Pharmacy Students’ Journal (APSJ), of which she was inaugural Co-Editor-in-Chief. She has been vital to the Journal's growth through her efforts in promotion and strategy, and also had the foresight to establish positions on the APSJ Advisory Board that work to ensure the Journal's continued success. As a member of this board, Joanne provides invaluable support and mentorship and works collaboratively with the APSJ's incoming editors. Joanne is commended for her ongoing championing of pharmacy research and student opportunities.

2023 Hospital Team Innovation of the Year Award:

Pharmacy Clinical Educator team, Monash Health

Christine Pho, Samanta Wood and Connie Yin are recognised for their development and implementation of the Pharmacy Clinical Educator Program. The Program is a two-day interactive workshop that provides individualised on-the-floor training and credentialling. Since June 2022, the PCE team has partnered with 134 pharmacists, facilitated over 850 assessments, and achieved a remarkable 76% credentialing rate for pharmacists to undertake independent clinical pharmacy activities. The Program empowers pharmacists to work confidently and independently in clinical roles, with a participant survey showing that 89% agreed they feel more confident to work on the wards.

2023 Jennifer Benzie ECP Award:

Ashleigh Lawrence

Senior Pharmacist, Fiona Stanley Hospital

Ashleigh is an innovator utilising tehnology to provide improved patient-centric care and medication safety. She recently led the implementation of automated dispensing cabinets across six St John of God hospitals, improving controlled medicines safety in operating theatres. She has also created several pharmacy tools including the electronic Medication History and Management (eMHMP), streamlining the medications management process in a system that has since been reproduced across numerous other hospitals.

2023 Intern Award:

Lewis Johnson

Intern Pharmacist, Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Health Care Group

Lewis has displayed a high standard of professionalism throughout his internship, and is set apart by his communication skills, teamwork, and commitment to patient care. He has taken an innovative approach to increasing awareness of dementia among patients and staff within the hospital using virtual reality (VR). He actively seeks opportunities to expand his knowledge and skills, stays up-to-date on the latest pharmacy advancements, and encourages others through his positivity and can-do attitude.

2023 Pharmacist Achievement Award:

Adam Hort

Chief Pharmacist at WA Country Health Service (WACHS)

Adam is acknowledged for his considerable influence on WA’s pharmacy sector through the regional pharmacy service improvements seen under his leadership. Adam implemented the WACHS Pharmacy Service Workforce Plan, addressing workforce under-resourcing and creating crucial, specialist service-wide leadership pharmacist roles. This has greatly supported rural pharmacy service development, and WACHS now trains the largest number of graduate pharmacists in the WA public system.

See Previous Branch Award recipients.

AdPha Members' Awards

Launched in 2019 and complementing the prestigious annual AdPha Awards (bestowed by the Board of Directors) and AdPha Branch Awards across states and territories, these national awards provide an exciting new platform through which peers recognise the growth, leadership and achievements of a hospital pharmacist, technician or pharmacy assistant, and a hospital team.

AdPha Early Career Pharmacist of the Year

This award celebrates an emerging leader who has undertaken work which addresses one or more of the five national competency framework domains and demonstrates their commitment to leading Australian pharmacy.

2023 Ashleigh Lawrence (WA)
2022 Benita Suckling (Qld)
2021 Megan Clark (Vic)
2020 Phil Tibbits (Tas)
2019 Dr Jacinta Johnson (SA/NT) ('Emerging Leader of the Year' in inaugural year)

AdPha Technician of the Year

This award celebrates a technician or pharmacy assistant whose project, initiative or work demonstrates or promises measurable impact on quality use of medicines, patient care, and/or staff wellbeing.

2023 Tara Clayson-Fisher (Tas)
2022 Katie Ambrose (Tas)
2021 Luke Corbett (Tas)
2020 Liza D'Ettorre (Tas)
2019 Gemma Kemsley (Vic)

AdPha Hospital Team of the Year

This award celebrates a pharmacist-led team which has undertaken a multi-disciplinary project, initiative or work which demonstrates or promises measurable impact on quality use of medicines, patient care, and/or staff wellbeing.

2023 VAD Pharmacy Project Team (Tas)
2022 The Bedside Medication Management (BMM) Project (Tas)
2021 Western NSW Local Health District Virtual Clinical Pharmacy Service Team (NSW)
2020 The WACHS TeleChemotherapy Cancer Team (WA)
2019 TOPCare Cardiology Project, Ballarat Health Services (Vic)

AdPha Resident of the Year Award

This award celebrates the achievements of AdPha members who have completed their second year in the Resident Training Program, Australia’s first structured, formalised, supported and accredited national pharmacy residency program.

2023 Emma Dall'Alba (Qld)
2022 Rhiannon Froude (Vic)
2021 James Ford (Vic)
2020 Mika Varitimos (Qld)
2019 Jacinta Castello (Vic)

AdPha Registrar of the Year Award

AdPha is excited to announce the inaugural Registrar of the Year award in 2024. This award aims to recognise and reward excellence and dedication to advanced pharmacy practice in a pharmacist who has recently completed the Registrar Training Program