CPD accreditation

Under the auspices of the Australian Pharmacy Council, Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) - formerly known as SHPA - may accredit continuing professional development (CPD) for pharmacists. Accredited CPD activities must meet requirements outlined within the Pharmacy Board of Australia’s guidelines to the CPD Registration Standard.

Obtaining accreditation

Read the CPD accreditation guidance document, then complete an application for accreditation of CPD. This application form elicits information which allows AdPha to determine whether an activity meets the APC Accreditation Standards for CPD Activities and is therefore suitable to be accredited as being appropriate for consideration for an individual pharmacist's CPD plan.

Allow up to 4 weeks (or 2 weeks with fast track) to receive the outcome of your application. Should a provider wish to appeal the accreditation application outcome, they may do so within fourteen (14) days of being notified of the outcome.  All appeals ust follow the process outlined in the AdPha's CPD accreditation appeals policy.

Promoting your accredited activity

CPD events accredited by AdPha may display the APC logo within the dedicated accreditation section of the promotional material. A unique accreditation number (assigned by AdPha) must be displayed on all accredited activities adjacent to the APC CPD logo.

The accreditation number and following words (or similar adaptations) must be displayed in the dedicated accreditation section of any promotional material and/or educational material: ‘The material in this program has been accredited for x hours of Group x CPD (or x CPD credits) suitable for inclusion in an individual pharmacist’s CPD plan.’

A CPD provider may not advertise their activity as accredited until they receive notification from AdPha that their application has been successful. After they have submitted their application, they may advertise the activity as "seeking accredition" or "currently applying for accreditation".

Amending your accredited activity 

Following successful accreditation of an activity, AdPha must be notified within three business days should any changes be made to the following:

  • learning objectives
  • pharmacist competency standards addressed
  • program format or duration
  • provider/presenter details, or
  • if scientific advances have rendered the material obsolete before the accreditation date of expiration. 

If any changes are made, the CPD provider must complete an accreditation amendment form

Evaluating your accredited activity

An evaluation report for all accredited events must be submitted to AdPha within four weeks of conducting an accredited activity. Evaluation forms are a minimum requirement for activities and may be used in conjunction with other forms of evaluation e.g. additional questions, telephone in-depth interviews or surveys. 

Formal complaints from delegates regarding CPD events or activities conducted or accredited by AdPha should be documented using the AdPha CPD Complaint Form.