Executive team

Kristin Michaels

Chief Executive

Kristin is experienced Chief Executive with over two decades of leadership experience across healthcare organisations and governance in both the primary and acute care sectors. Under her leadership, SHPA, now trading as Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) has undergone significant transformation, aligning with the dynamic landscape of Australian healthcare. Kristin holds qualifications in law, strategic foresight, organisational development and governance. She has been instrumental in positioning AdPha for sustained growth and impact, ensuring that the organisation remains at the forefront of advancing the pharmacy profession in Australia.

Email: ceo@adpha.au

Nick Sharp-Paul

Chief Operating Officer

Nick leads AdPha's Member Projects and Member Experience teams, and Publications, centralising AdPha’s core operations to support the organisation's vision and strategies for the future of advanced pharmacy in Australia. These teams cover all Specialty Practice activity, Membership and media, flagship titles Australian Injectable Drugs Handbook and Don’t Rush to CrushJPPR and member-led magazine Pharmacy GRIT, AdPha Awards and liaison with AdPha’s Branch Committees, and the development of new online platforms for members.

Email: nsharp-paul@adpha.au

Michael Iudica

Chief Financial Officer

Michael brings a commercial lens to all facets of the business striving for performance and business improvements. As CFO Michael is responsible for ensuring accurate and reliable reporting to Members and the Board on the financial viability of the organisation to ensure AdPha is a sustainable and vibrant organisation. Michael has over 20 years of experience in the membership and not-for-profit sectors, and has also worked in the retail, finance, manufacturing and technology sectors. Michael holds a Bachelor on Business from Swinburne University of Technology and is a Fellow Certified Practicing Accountant (FCPA). 

Email: miudica@adpha.au

Sally Ridgers

Head of Education 

Sally directs AdPha's diverse and growing range of continuing professional development (CPD) seminars, webinars, conferences and workshops, ensuring AdPha remains Australia’s leading provider of clinical pharmacy CPD.

Sally oversees AdPha events, including symposia supporting key workforce development program and Australia’s largest annual scientific pharmacy conference, Medicines Management, while managing a diverse array of sponsorship portfolios, and leads stakeholder engagement for AdPha's events, conferences, CPD and grants.

Email: sridgers@adpha.au

Jerry Yik

Head of Policy and Advocacy

Jerry leads AdPha's diverse policy and advocacy activities, highlighting health and pharmacy policy issues to the relevant stakeholders including parliamentarians, government departments, regulatory bodies, clinical and safety agencies. Harnessing member expertise, AdPha's Policy and Advocacy team demonstrates the continuing expertise, innovation and high standard the hospital pharmacy sector sets which extends out into all other care sectors. Jerry leads a dedicated team who adopt a solutions-focused mindset to encounter pharmacy and medicines sector challenges, with the aim to provide high quality, safe, equitable and accessible pharmacy services to Australian patients in all healthcare settings.


Kylee Hayward

Head of Workforce Advancement

Kylee leads AdPha’s integrated practitioner development programs, including Australia-first Foundation and Advanced Training residencies, supporting the advancement of the pharmacy workforce to have the capacity, capability and flexibility to function within an ever-changing healthcare system, working at their full scope of practice through every career stage.

Email: khayward@adpha.au