
Formerly DrugScan, this series has been renamed MedsScan to better reflect contemporary practice and continues to bring the collective expertise of Specialty Practice to all Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) — formerly known as SHPA — members. This change moves away from the term ‘drug’ to the term ‘medicines’ as articulated by Wendy Ewing on behalf of the Medication Safety Leadership Committee.

Read Wendy’s feature article We're medicines experts, why don't we refer to them as just that? published recently in Pharmacy GRIT for more information. 

These reviews provide updates on the international literature on therapeutics. Expert pharmacy practitioners — via AdPha’s Specialty Practice Groups — scan major peer-reviewed journals in areas relevant to Australian pharmacy practice and present precis on major clinical trials, important pharmacoepidemiology studies and pharmacoeconomic research, and other updates relevant to practice. Interested readers are encouraged to explore the original publications in greater detail.

Please see Guidelines for Contributors for advice on the contribution schedule, submission process and example summaries. 

A template for MedsScan extented submissions can be downloaded here

In this Section

Issue 1, 2023

Issue 1, 2023

Now published as an independent series, from Issue 1, 2023 this important publication will continue under a new name, MedsScan with formerly GRIT Liaisons now becoming MedsScan Editors.