AdPha's 12 Days of RxMas

While our members' workplaces never wind down, December provides a time to reflect on the year just passed and, in the holiday spirit, we'll chat with some of the many faces that make the AdPha pharmily so special.

Day 1: Emma Dall'Alba

Clinical Pharmacist, Queensland Health; AdPha 2023 Resident of the Year

What have been your professional/personal highlights for 2023?   

A major highlight for me in 2023 was completing the Residency Program and having the opportunity to present my research at Medicines Management – I feel so fortunate to have my work showcased and I’m very grateful to have received the 2023 Resident of the Year award. Personally, I also got to spend a month exploring New Zealand in a campervan which was an absolute treat!  

What have you enjoyed the most about being an AdPha member?   

I love having the opportunity to collaborate with other like-minded pharmacists, especially at events like MM where you really get to appreciate the work other pharmacists are doing. During my time in the Residency Program, I have enjoyed being constantly motivated and encouraged to prioritise ongoing learning and self-reflection.  

What are you looking forward to in 2024?   

I’ll be working with the support of my supervisor and the Endocrinology team in Townsville to prepare my research piece for publication. And then hopefully celebrate that achievement with a long-awaited trip to Europe! 

Day 2: Kelly Beswick

Pharmacy Manager, Tasmanian Health Service North West | Chair, AdPha Tasmanian Branch | AdPha Rural and Remote Leadership Committee Member | FANZCAP (Lead&Mgmt)

What have been your professional/personal highlights for 2023?   

There's probably a few for me this year! Being recognised as a Consultant of ANZCAP in Leadership and Management; having the Hon. Emma McBride MP visit the Mersey Community Hospital and being able to speak to her about challenges in rural and remote pharmacy practice; having the Tasmanian Health Minister the Hon. Guy Barnett visit North West Tasmania to meet with our Clinical Advanced Pharmacy Technicians; being able to work on the AdPha Advanced Training Residency Practice Area Framework and Knowledge Guide for Leadership and Management (to be released in 2024); and being involved with the Tasmanian Pharmacy Scope of Practice Review.   

What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt this year? 

One of the most encouraging and energising things for me in 2023 was seeing Karlee Johnston present at the Directors of Pharmacy Conference in Adelaide, and all of her sessions at MM2023. I think the work that she's done around burnout and restorative support is so important and I'm excited to see where we can take that work to ensure our teams are well supported. 

What have you enjoyed the most about being an AdPha member? 

Seeing AdPha’s Transformation 2024 agenda, and the advocacy that has happened for the entire profession (pharmacists and technicians) this year is so exciting. Also, being able to be a part of AdPha’s Tasmanian Branch, and sitting on the Rural and Remote Leadership Committee. The volunteers that are involved across the country that contribute to the branches and Specialty Practice Committees are such passionate and engaged professionals, and it's exciting to be a part of that.  

What are you looking forward to in 2024? 

I'm looking forward to seeing the progression of and outcomes from the pilot project for Clinical Advanced Practice Technicians in three of the Tasmanian hospitals! And the professional recognition of technicians via ANZCAP. 

Day 3: Michael Bakker

Digital Health Portfolio Lead, SA Pharmacy | Chair, SHPA Electronic Medication Management Leadership Committee | FANZCAP (Informtcs) 

What have been your professional/personal highlights for 2023?  

Professional: Presenting on AI and Future Pharmacy at Medicines Management 2023 (MM2023) in Cairns, and the conversations after. 

Personal: The arrival of our third child, Coraline, into the world the week before MM2023! 

What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt this year?  

Agile project planning. 

What have you enjoyed the most about being an AdPha member?  

Being part of and chairing the AdPha Speciality Practice Electronic Medication Management Leadership Committee. We have made some big progress on efforts to support digital advancement of the profession this year with the inaugural Pharmacy Informatics Standard of Practice - I am excited to see that wrap up. Also, ANZCAP and all my fellow nerds being recognised for our informatics expertise! 

What are you looking forward to in 2024?  

Getting stuck into my PhD and figuring out how to learn again. 

What new developments are you hoping to see in pharmacy in 2024? 

There are a lot of challenges for healthcare delivery in general over the next few years – I am hoping to see pharmacy play a pivotal role in addressing those and developing tools to support the workforce/industry. I hope 2024 will bring the culmination of some ideas that just make you go ‘Wow’. 

Day 4: Lisa Pont

Professor, University of Technology Sydney | Geriatric Medicine Leadership Committee Member | SHPA Research Leadership Committee Member | FANZCAP (Edu., GeriMed

What have been your professional/personal highlights for 2023?

Professionally I’ve had an amazing 2023 with so many exciting and rewarding opportunities and experiences. A key highlight was being elected by my peers as President of the International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology, and being inducted in front of 1500 of them in Halifax, Canada. Personally a highlight of 2023 was spending time with my family on a four-week road trip across Germany. My kids are now teenagers and embarking on their own adventures, so it was wonderful to be able to travel together. As a family we had a lot of fun, enjoyed so many new experiences and created such wonderful memories together.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt this year?

This year I’ve learnt the invaluable lesson of the importance of prioritising self-care, and recognising the significance of taking time for personal wellbeing, especially when life gets crazy. I’ve also learnt about extending kindness and support to others and understanding how fostering connections and empathy builds resilience across the whole community.

What have you enjoyed the most about being an AdPha member?

AdPha has been such a key part of my entire career. While I have benefited from the education and opportunities, the part I enjoy most about being an AdPha member is the friendships and networks that I have formed. I love being a pharmacist and having the opportunity from AdPha to connect with and learn from others brings such joy.

What new developments are you hoping to see in pharmacy in 2024?

I am really excited about the directions that pharmacy is taking for both pharmacists and technicians in terms of new roles and extended scope of practice. Working with a number of Victorian hospitals, we are looking at the support technicians need to expand their scope to include clinical roles, focusing on the development of education to help them prepare as their scope expands’. 

Day 5: Richard Bolitho

Project Manager, Queensland Dementia, Ageing and Frailty Clinical Network, Healthcare Improvement Unit, Queensland Health | SHPA Geriatric Medicine Leadership Committee Member | FANZCAP (GenMed, GeriMed) 

What have been your professional/personal highlights for 2023?  

Being fortunate enough to work alongside so many great people: the amazing team at Robina Hospital Pharmacy on the Gold Coast, the SHPA Geriatric Medicine Leadership Committee, and more recently the team I work with at the Healthcare Improvement Unit in Queensland Health.  

What have you enjoyed the most about being an AdPha member?  

I value how AdPha facilitates opportunities for peers to build communities, create advocacy and network around their chosen speciality through specialty practice and educational events. What AdPha does is invaluable in helping to grow not just individually but also for the profession. 

What are you looking forward to in 2024?  

Having the opportunity to collaborate with some incredible people on projects I am working on. Plus, I’m really excited to see what the implementation of embedded pharmacists in aged care finally looks like.  

Day 6: Tricia Holmes

Senior Pharmacy Technician/Service Coordinator, Royal Adelaide Hospital; AdPha Technicians and Assistants Leadership Committee Member; AdPha 2023 SA/NT Technician Award Winner

What have been your professional/personal highlights for 2023?  

My professional highlight for 2023 would have to be the new workflow change that was implemented at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. The turnaround times for both discharges and outpatient scripts improved significantly.  

I have had the privilege of being asked to present at the FIP Congress and also to present at MM2023. Also, winning the state-wide (SA/NT) Technician Award! 

What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt this year?  

There are so many things I have learnt throughout 2023 both professionally and personally. I am very lucky to work with some wonderful people that support and encourage me in my career.   

What have you enjoyed the most about being an AdPha member?  

Meeting the most wonderful people. Being part of the AdPha Technicians and Assistants Specialty Practice group, we get to see a lot of the amazing work AdPha is doing in the technicians’ field and all of the recommendations being made in supporting technicians to develop in their careers.  

What are you looking forward to in 2024?  

I am excited that MM2024 will be in Adelaide, and I’ll get to show off the amazing technician workforce in SA Pharmacy! 

What new developments are you hoping to see in pharmacy in 2024? 

Continued growth for the technician workforce. We need to support the workforce working within their scope and utilising the skills and knowledge that technicians have.  

Day 7: Monique Scott

Pharmacist & Clinical Pharmacy Team Leader, Launceston General Hospital; MM2023 Scientific Planning Committee Member; FANZCAP (Generalist)

What have been your professional/personal highlights for 2023?   

I had the pleasure of joining an incredible group of individuals on the Medicines Management 2023 Scientific Planning Committee this year! It was a surreal experience to attend the conference and see such an excellent program come together. I am honoured and excited to be co-chairing the Scientific Planning Committee alongside Bianca Heron for Medicines Management 2024 and look forward to seeing everyone in Adelaide for MM2024!  

What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt this year?   

Taking the time to slow down and relish every opportunity, to cherish those around me and to not sweat the small stuff!  

What have you enjoyed the most about being an AdPha  member?   

I love all things continuing professional development (CPD)! AdPha has such an extensive CPD offering and is committed to the ongoing training and education of pharmacists and technicians through a multitude of different avenues. I am grateful to have experienced AdPha CPD through multiple lenses, from an attendee perspective and as a member of both the AdPha Tas Branch Committee and the MM2023 Scientific Program Committee. 

Day 8: Viki Lui

Lead Pharmacist - Workforce Development, Royal Melbourne Hospital; Chair, SHPA Special Interest Group for Victorian Hospital Intern and Undergraduate Student Training; FANZCAP (Edu., GeriMed) 

What have been your professional/personal highlights for 2023?  

Professionally, having my poster presented at both the FIP International Conference and MM2023. On a personal note, my eldest will have graduated from kindergarten by the end of this year!  

What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt this year?  

I was reminded of a wise African proverb recently: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. It resonates with me in both my personal and professional endeavours, and I am grateful for all the different formal and informal communities that I am a part of. 

What have you enjoyed the most about being an AdPha member?  

It’s collaborative, and there’s a wealth of knowledge and network of expertise that I have access to and get to be a part of. I also love the CPD programs and sessions that are freely available to members. I find the topics current and topical and delivered by experts in the industry. The CPD is recorded so there is flexibility to watch it at a convenient time, which is a real bonus and necessity for me at the moment! 

What new developments are you hoping to see in pharmacy in 2024? 

 I am looking forward to hearing more about the initiatives that will enable pharmacists and technicians to work at the top of scope, and seeing how that translates into practice. It’s an exciting time for the profession. 

Day 9: Bianca Heron

Director of Performance Analytics at NT Health; MM2023 Scientific Program Committee Member 

What have been your professional/personal highlights for 2023?  

My professional highlight was having the opportunity to attend and contribute to the MM2023 conference in Cairns. It was so exciting to be back with colleagues from across Australia and meet the organising committee in person after missing MM2022 due to diving in Christmas Island (it was amazing though!). My personal highlight was completing my first half marathon.   

What have you enjoyed the most about being an AdPha member?  

After stepping away from pharmacy to take a role in finance and performance, being an AdPha member allows me to contribute and still feel connected to the profession. It has opened the door to work with amazing people across so many disciplines and specialties. I enjoy the opportunities for collaboration that AdPha provides.   

What are you looking forward to in 2024?  

Obviously MM2024. But also seeing the expanding roles and developments of technicians within hospital pharmacy, and the exciting prospects/expansion of pharmacists within the transitions of care and virtual care spaces.   

Day 10: Luke Grzeskowiak

Associate Professor, Flinders University; CRF Fellow in Medicines Use and Safety, Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation; Senior Pharmacist - Flinders Women and Children, SA Health; AdPha Women’s and Newborn Health Leadership Committee Member; FANZCAP (Neonatol., ObsGynae)

What have been your professional/personal highlights for 2023?  

Being able to represent AdPha and the pharmacy profession at the Senate Enquiry into Universial access to reproductive health care, and seeing the critical role pharmacists play in optimising reproductive health care as recognised in the final report. Seeing my research highlighting barriers to abortion care across Australia, and the so called ‘abortion deserts’, being used by the government to make policy recommendations was a real privilege and reinforces the impact we can all make towards improving health care beyond our own practice settings.  

What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt this year?  

With an almost 2-year old, I have learnt to expect the unexpected and that things never go as planned. I’ve also found that it’s often the smallest things that bring the most joy.  

What have you enjoyed the most about being an SHPA member?  

The opportunity to network and share ideas within Specialty Practice, and contribute towards initiatives aimed at advancing pharmacy practice within the sphere of Women’s and Newborn Health.  

What are you looking forward to in 2024?  

Having recently been re-elected to the Women’s and Newborn Health Specialty Practice Group, I am looking forward to seeing the publication of the first Standards of Practice in the area, as well as the forthcoming Advanced Training Residency Framework. Perhaps most exciting is the opportunity to contribute towards the development of a new Online Learning Course in Women’s and Newborn Health.  

What new developments are you hoping to see in pharmacy in 2024? 

Improved recognition of the critical role pharmacists play in women’s and newborn health, as demonstrated through improvements in universal access to clinical pharmacy services across all Australian settings; also, continued advancements in pharmacists’ scope of practice in improving reproductive and infant health outcomes. 

Day 11: Susan Trevillian

Deputy Director of Pharmacy, Northeast Health Wangaratta; Chair, AdPha Rural and Remote Leadership Committee; Member, AdPha Clinical Standards of Practice Editorial Committee and SHPA Reconciliation Action Plan Steering Committee; AdPha Fellow; FANZCAP (Generalist, Lead&Mgmt)

What have been your professional/personal highlights for 2023?  

Professionally, being awarded two Fellowships - of both AdPha and ANZCAP - and personally, sewing a kangaroo costume from scratch for my daughter's primary school Christmas concert.   

What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt this year?  

If you keep the end in mind, the path to get there will emerge eventually. It's OK to wander off track from time to time as long as you know where you're aiming to get to, and if you ask for help you'll usually get it. I also learnt that I can swap out a bent sewing machine needle almost as quickly as calibrating an Omnicell automated medication cabinet's touchscreen! 

What have you enjoyed the most about being an AdPha member?  

The connection to others across the profession, particularly my rural and remote colleagues who are spread right across the country. I've also enjoyed and valued the opportunity to represent AdPha (via Rural and Remote Specialty Practice) on the Council of the National Rural Health Alliance. 

What are you looking forward to in 2024?  

Continuing to promote rural voices within and outside the profession via AdPha networks, supporting rural/remote pharmacists and technicians to gain their deserved recognition via ANZCAP, and continuing to grow our rural pharmacy workforce.

Day 12: Nicky Maddern

Manager, VAD Pharmacy Service, Statewide Hospital Pharmacy, Tasmanian Health Service; AdPha Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Leadership Committee Member; FANZCAP (VAD, Lead&Mgmt)

What have been your professional/personal highlights for 2023? 

2023 turned into an unexpectedly busy year and was full of highlights. Being named as the 2023 Tasmanian Pharmacist of the Year for the role I played in setting up the Tasmanian Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) Pharmacy Service was a career highlight. I felt incredibly humbled, lucky and privileged to receive this award. The VAD Pharmacy Service project team was also awarded the SHPA 2023 Tasmanian Hospital Innovation Award and the AdPha National Award for Hospital Team of the Year. It was amazing to work as part of this team and to see the VAD Pharmacy Service move from project to operational within a fairly short time frame.  

To be recognised through ANZCAP as a consultant in VAD and Leadership & Management was another highlight and really defines the pharmacist I am and the journey I have been on. 

Some of the best moments were sharing learnings at local symposiums and MM2023. I had the opportunity to share on work in VAD, interdisciplinary health care, competency framework development, and the work of the AdPha Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Leadership Committee. Working with pharmacists across Australia is always something I feel incredibly lucky to be able to do. 

A personal highlight was a well-earned family holiday to Far North Queensland with the family, enjoying the little things, seeing the world through a 4-year-old's eyes and taking in the beauty of Australia.  

What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt this year?  

It is incredibly humbling to be recognised by your peers and mentors and to share these moments with them. Mentors - formal and informal - are so, so important! It is so important to stop and reflect on your journey, acknowledge all the learnings (good, bad, other) and embrace the moments that ignite your passion. It’s okay to stop and make time for the things that recharge and energise you. 

What have you enjoyed the most about being an AdPha member?  

Being an AdPha member has been an important part of my pharmacy career and has given me many opportunities. The learning opportunities, the visibility of innovation, the safe places to ask questions, the opportunity to sit on leadership committees, the advocacy work and the networking with pharmacists across Australia have been invaluable. The conferences have always been a great way to catch up with friends from across Australia, see how others are tackling similar challenges, prioritise your learning, and meet new people. 

What are you looking forward to in 2024?  

2023 has been a very exciting year for pharmacy and AdPha , and I am excited to see what else is to come in 2024! Watching the way pharmacy adapts to healthcare challenges has been impressive. I will be closely watching the expansion of pharmacy roles into not so traditional settings, how technology is further embraced, how models of care adapt and change to ensure patient-centred care (choice is at the core of all we do!), and the ongoing advocacy work of AdPha . 

While our members' workplaces never wind down, December provides a time to reflect on the year just passed and, in the holiday spirit, we'll chat with some of the many faces that make the SHPA pharmily so special.

Day 1: Tara Clayson-Fisher

Statewide Pharmacy Technician Manager, Statewide Hospital Pharmacy, 2023 Tas Branch Committee member

What have been your professional/personal highlights this year?

Moving to Tasmania to work in my dream job as Statewide Pharmacy Technician Manager has to be the highlight! And to top it off, Tasmania was recently voted the number one place to visit on the planet – how cool is that?!

What do you enjoy about being an SHPA member?

Being an SHPA member brings with it an amazing community of people and colleagues. My membership has directly contributed to my knowledge and growth by connecting me with incredible people and opening my eyes to new possibilities.

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

I am so excited for 2023, there is a huge focus on the pharmacy workforce as a whole and I look forward to working to improve patient care by ensuring our technicians are well educated, well utilised and well respected across all areas of practice.

Day 2: Adam Livori

Team Leader, Medical Specialties and Ambulatory Care, Pharmacy, Grampians Health; PhD Student, Monash University; Chair, SHPA Cardiology Leadership Committee

What have been your professional/personal highlights this year?

For the third year in a row, interns and Residents who I have supervised have presented their research work at Medicines Management. It has been amazing to see their work showcased and the pride they have in being professionally curious!

What do you enjoy about being an SHPA member?

The opportunity to learn as well as the opportunity to teach, it is not often a role allows equal shares of both.

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

Continuing with the SHPA Cardiology Leadership Committee in developing amazing education, contributing to research in our first joint study led by leadership committee member Beryl Lai, and finding new skills and experiences that SHPA has to offer.

Day 3: Gauri Godbole

Team Leader Pharmacist, Aged Care, Mental Health, and Palliative Care, Pharmacy Department, Gosford Hospital

What have been your professional/personal highlights this year? 

An exciting project that I am currently working on is a stewardship pharmacist role! In this role we aim to review patients over 65 years of age with high sedative and anticholinergic burden with the help of the Drug Burden Index to facilitate deprescribing. In addition, earlier this year I was fortunate to supervise two groups of BPharm honours students for their projects: one in geriatrics and another in the Mental Health specialty area. On another note, I was very grateful to receive the 2022 SHPA NSW Branch Achievement award! 

What do you enjoy about being an SHPA member?

Currently I am the Chair of SHPA’s Geriatric Medicine Specialty Practice Leadership Committee. I really enjoy working with like-minded, inspired, forward-thinking fellow pharmacists via this forum. Together we have delivered a number of high quality projects, seminars and workshops. Currently we are working on a survey to understand the trends of antipsychotic medication stewardship activities in our hospitals across Australia… watch this space!  

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

I really look forward to more collaborative work, both at my workplace and via the Leadership Committee. We are hoping to conduct focus groups with our Geriatric Medicine Practice Group members to better understand how we can tap into the tremendous expertise and knowledge this group brings! We really appreciate their contributions to our ‘Practice in Focus’ and Pharmacy GRIT DrugScan articles. And... I can't wait for Indiana Jones 5: Dial of Destiny to be released! A die-hard fan here...

Day 4: Cristen Fleming

Senior Health Service Planner, Western NSW Local Health District; Rural and Remote Specialty Practice Group

What have been your professional/personal highlights this year? 

This year I have been so lucky to see growth in both my personal family and my Pharmacy family. I welcomed my second daughter Eloise late last year, and contributed to the expansion of the Virtual Clinical Pharmacy Service (VCPS) in Western NSW, which has grown from three pharmacists to more than eight! 

What do you enjoy about being an SHPA member?

I love the opportunities for collaboration that SHPA provides. I have been fortunate to meet a number of like-minded pharmacists this year, who are as passionate as I am about research and rural health, and I’m keen to work with them to make sure that no one in the bush misses out on the benefits that Hospital Pharmacists can bring.

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

I’m looking forward to seeing further growth in the VCPS and hopefully further research projects in areas such as transitions of care. I also can’t wait to attend my sister’s European wedding after a couple of Covid postponements!

Day 5: Shania Liu

Clinical Pharmacist, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD); Chair, 2022 Pain Management Leadership Committee

What have been your professional/personal highlights this year? 

Seeing everyone face to face again during the return of SHPA’s MM2022 Conference! The Gala Dinner was certainly a highlight!

What do you enjoy about being an SHPA member?

I enjoy being a part of a broader community of fellow hospital pharmacists, which allows me to learn from others and support the growth of the profession.

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

Meeting my nephew from the States for the first time!

Day 6: Josephine To

Acting Deputy Director of Pharmacy - Acute and Urgent Care, Specialty Medicine 1 and 2, SA Pharmacy I Central Adelaide Local Health Network I SA Health; Chair, 2022 Palliative Care Leadership Committee

What have been your professional/personal highlights this year? 

Professionally, it was MM2022 – it was so exciting to be back in a room with colleagues from around the country to hear and see the amazing work people have been doing, despite all the disruptions of the last three years. Personally, a non-work, all-expenses paid trip to Canada, but that is a story for another time…

What do you enjoy about being an SHPA member?

Sharing knowledge and experience, which inspires and is inspiring.

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

Hopefully leaving the country again for some holidays!

Day 7: Benita Suckling

Medicines Safety Pharmacist, Caboolture Hospital; 2022 SHPA Early Career Pharmacist of the Year

What have been your professional/personal highlights this year? 

2022 overall has been a highlight professionally! Working every day with a great team at Caboolture Hospital, having the opportunity to go rural – acting as Pharmacy Director in Roma, Qld – and being voted by my peers as SHPA’s Early Career Pharmacist of the Year – it’ll be a tough year to beat!

What do you enjoy about being an SHPA member?

The generosity of all the other members and the opportunity to connect much more widely in the profession. Specialty Practice discussion forums and my experience on the Pain Management Leadership Committee have been gold 😊

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

Foraying into parenthood… wish me luck!

Day 7: Rhiannon Froude

Resident Pharmacist, Royal Melbourne Hospital; Vic 2022 SHPA Resident of the Year

What have been your professional/personal highlights this year? 

Professionally, it was MM2022 – it was so exciting to be back in a room with colleagues from around the country to hear and see the amazing work people have been doing, despite all the disruptions of the last three years. Personally, a non-work, all-expenses paid trip to Canada, but that is a story for another time…

What do you enjoy about being an SHPA member?

Sharing knowledge and experience, which inspires and is inspiring.

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

Hopefully leaving the country again for some holidays!

Day 8: Katie Phillips

Accredited Pharmacist, Royal Melbourne Hospital; Chair, 2022 Transitions of Care and Primary Care Leadership Committee

What have been your professional/personal highlights this year? 

This year I was proud to work with a team of incredible pharmacists from across Australia on a SHPA-led, MRFF grant application focussing on timely post-discharge medication reviews and Transitions of Care Stewardship, and I took the plunge and 'crossed the transition' from hospital outreach to general practice.

What do you enjoy about being an SHPA member?

Speciality practice is a fantastic forum to connect with like-minded peers, share knowledge and find your voice. It has opened up so many doors and taken my career to places I never imagined.

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

With changes to consultant pharmacist accreditation, embedded pharmacists in aged care, and the increased focus on "@home" services, the spotlight is finally being shone on transitions of care. I'm so excited and humbled to be at the forefront at a time of such significant opportunity for our profession.

Day 9: Amy Sieff

Senior Pharmacist, Medication Safety and Antimicrobial Stewardship, Mental Health

What have been your professional/personal highlights this year? 

Leading the Foundation Seminar in Mental Health this year was a huge professional highlight for me - all of the participants were just fantastic. Personally, it was amazing to finally go on a holiday to the other side of the world again!

What do you enjoy about being an SHPA member?

SHPA members have so many opportunities, resources and supports available to them. I particularly like the specialty practice framework (though am perhaps a little biased as a member of the Mental Health Leadership Committee!). And generally, it’s just great being part of a like-minded community which is always looking to further the profession.

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

Another big holiday, I hope! Plus some very exciting challenges and projects at work which I'm keen to dive into.

Day 10: Amanda Tey

Haematology Pharmacist, Monash Health; 2022 Oncology and Haematology Leadership Committee

What have been your professional/personal highlights this year? 

Developing the inaugural SHPA Haematology Extension Seminar with Maggie Chau and the SHPA team (especially Julia Hruz and Michelle Long) with leadership committee support. It was an immense amount of work that was well worth it, as it was well received by attendees.

What do you enjoy about being an SHPA member?

Having the opportunity to be involved with state-wide and national activities - presentations, seminars, the Oncology/Haematology leadership committee and chairing/speaking at MM2022 

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

A new start with new perspectives - finding the right work-life balance and exploring new ideas. And my family's first overseas trip in 7 years!

Day 11: Melissa Faehrmann

Intensive Care Pharmacist, Royal North Shore Hospital; Chair, 2022 ACT Branch Committee; 2022 ACT Early Career Pharmacist

What have been your professional/personal highlights this year? 

Personally, being peer-nominated and recognised as the ACT Early Career Pharmacist of the Year was a big highlight and an honour. I have been lucky to work with numerous inspiring and talented peers and mentors at Canberra Health Services who have helped shape who I am both personally and professionally.

This year the SHPA ACT Branch also proudly delivered a successful and unique Portfolio-Building Symposium face-to-face to local members and virtually for interstate participation. This resparked a lot of discussion about Advancing Practice - which is a space to watch.

What do you enjoy about being an SHPA member?

SHPA offers a range of quality, formal education and development opportunities to pharmacists of varying practice levels.

The Specialty Interest and Specialty Practice forums have been invaluable for me as a clinical pharmacist practicing throughout covid - in a changing and isolated world these forums opened numerous doors for the development of my clinical skills as well as opportunities to collaborate with more experienced or specialised practitioners for the management of some particularly complex patients.

Behind the scenes, SHPA also advocates for greater pharmacist and pharmacy technician scope, support and representation, which I value as a member of this professional organisation.

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

Having recently taken a new job at Royal North Shore Hospital in the Intensive Care Unit, I am particularly looking forward to becoming more involved in the Critical Care Specialty Practice Group in 2023. The specialty practice groups offer collaboration, communication and expertise, which is particularly valuable for pharmacists working solely in specialist roles or remote areas of practice.

Day 12: You, the SHPA Member

by Tom Simpson, President, Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia

While 2022 will be remembered by many as the year the world emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic, the reality was far more complex.

You, the SHPA Member, continued to work through the toughest conditions of the pandemic alongside your team-mates, keeping our hospitals and health systems safe by never wavering in your focus on medication safety.

You stayed on top of the latest guidelines and protocols, navigating constantly evolving shortages to give vulnerable Australians the reassurance that they will have access to the medicines they depend upon.

You helped vaccinate an entire nation against the 21st century’s worst health crisis, all while continuing to expand the role and recognition of pharmacists to new frontiers.

Most importantly, you provided reassuring care to patients, 'smiling with your eyes' behind facemasks, earning the appreciation and respect of your medical and nursing colleagues in the healthcare team, delivering medicines expertise that is unique to pharmacy, time and time again.

Here’s to you – and I hope you enjoy some down-time with your loved ones in this season of reflection and celebration.