Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research (JPPR)

JPPR is freely available for Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) members.

If you encounter any difficulties please email Kristy Parker, AdPha Journal Lead.

JPPR online for non-AdPha members.

The Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research is the flagship journal of Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha). It is owned by and copyrighted to the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia. The Journal has complete editorial freedom in terms of content and is not under the direction of AdPha or its Board of Directors.

Celebrating 50 years of publication in 2016, increasing publication frequency to six issues per year from 2017, and achieving record full-text downloads per issue in 2018 and every year since, AdPha’s premier journal JPPR provides a forum for the publication of research and exchange of knowledge, ideas, commentary and professional opinion among pharmacists. With regular discussions of pharmacy practice and specialty areas within therapeutics, JPPR article formats include: original research, systematic reviews, case reports, editorials and letters to the editor. All articles are peer-reviewed. 

JPPR is edited by Professor Michael Dooley, AdvPracPharm, BPharm, PhD, FSHP, with the assistance of an Editorial Advisory Board, and is available online via Wiley Online Library. AdPha members and subscribers are able to access all published content. 

JPPR Editorial Board 


  • Professor Michael Dooley, AdvPracPharm, BPharm, PhD, FSHP, Alfred Health & Monash University, Vic

Associate Editors 

  • Associate Professor J. Simon Bell, BPharm(Hons), PhD, MPS, Monash University, Vic
  • Mr Stefan Kowalski, BPharm, MAppSc, CGP, University of South Australia, SA
  • Professor Jason Roberts, BPharm(Hons), B App Sc, PhD, FSHP, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital & The University of Queensland, Qld
  • Professor Amanda Wheeler, BPharm, BSc, PGDipPsychPharm, PGCertPubHealth, PHD, CMHP, RegPharmNZ, Griffith University, Qld. & University of Auckland, New Zealand

AdPha Journal Lead

Editorial Advisory Board →

Influencing Practice – Open access sections of JPPR 

If you're not a member of AdPha, you can read the open access sections of the Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research at the Wiley Online Library. Open access sections include Editorials, Letters to the Editor, and more.


Your comments/suggestions on content, layout and format of the Journal are much appreciated. Please provide your valued feedback via email to

In this Section

JPPR Consent form

JPPR Consent form

Case study submissions or studies that involve experimental investigations on humans require a completed consent form to be kept with the author's records and a Patient Consent Statement to be included in the manuscript.