Student membership

Enjoy free access to tailored symposia, publishing opportunities and prepare for early experience in the hospital environment to give you an edge as you plan your path in pharmacy.

Student membership fee: FREE

Eligibility: Student membership is for the period of your enrolment as a pharmacy student. See AdPha's constitution for a full definition. 

Please provide a copy of your student membership card with your application, as your current student status will be checked prior to membership being granted.

Join AdPha

Student membership benefits:

Free and discounted access to CPD

  • 20% saving on all national seminars
  • Free registration for Branch webinars
  • Can register for Medicines Management, AdPha's annual conference
  • Discounted registration for Branch symposia
  • Free access to self-paced education via Online CPD
  • Contribute to local learning and networking through AdPha Branch committees
  • Free registration to annual AdPha-NAPSA Student Symposium

Leadership + Innovation

Specialty Practice

  • Join Specialty Practice Groups via Communities
  • Contribute to clinical education across 30+ specialty areas
  • Build networks of peers via online communities

Policy + Advocacy

Resources + Publications

Recognition + Reward

  • MAdPha postnominal