Fri 3 November 2023
Australia’s largest scientific pharmacy conference opens in Cairns
More than 900 delegates have descended on the Cairns Convention Centre for Medicines Management 2023 (MM2023), the 47th Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) National Conference – to develop their skills and build their knowledge in the balmy surrounds of tropical Far North Queensland.
In a highlight of the opening plenary, the Hon. Emma McBride MP, Assistant Minister for Rural and Regional Health and Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, will receive recognition as a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Advanced Pharmacy (ANZCAP), as uptake of the landmark program grows rapidly across the country.
SHPA President Tom Simpson says Australia’s largest scientific pharmacy conference opens against a thriving backdrop of success and new initiatives.
‘ANZCAP is the most significant of a number of investments our organisation is making to advance the pharmacy profession as part of our Transformation 2024 agenda.
‘At MM2023 we announce another, launching the SHPA Leaders Program – a partnership with Lumos Leadership – to help build confidence and unlock potential in Australian pharmacy.
‘Two programs are available, the Emerge Program, for those ready for the next level of leadership; and the Accelerate Program, for established leaders.’
All SHPA members gain access to savings of around 40% off both programs, with discounts also available to non-members.
Ahead of his conference address, Mr Simpson thanked Assistant Minister McBride for her tireless contribution to the healthcare sector while acknowledging the collective contributions of SHPA members in helping push its ambitious Transformation agenda forward.
‘ANZCAP and key supporting programs have been informed by, and developed in partnership with our members, who help identify gaps in patient care and resourcing, shortcomings in our pharmacy workforce and key priorities for advocacy and education through our state and territory Branches and Specialty Practice groups.
‘I look forward to working with our members and peers as we build a more inclusive community, embrace pharmacy technicians in governance and in practice, embed recognition and engender respect through the new College, to advance our broader profession.’
MM2023 will close with a glittering gala event tomorrow.