ANZCAP set to honour Pharmacy Student of the Year with new award announced
Thu 4 April 2024

ANZCAP set to honour Pharmacy Student of the Year with new award announced

The Australian and New Zealand College of Advanced Pharmacy (ANZCAP) will honour students embracing portfolio-building to help further their careers with a new award announced today at the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA)’s 2024 Student Symposium, held in partnership with the National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association (NAPSA).

The inaugural ANZCAP Pharmacy Student of the Year Award will open to all students across Australia on Wednesday 1 May 2024 and comes on the back of an extensive consultative process with NAPSA student members as part of an ANZCAP co-design workshop session held at the NAPSA Congress in January.

Any student with access to the ANZCAP platform is eligible to nominate; ANZCAP is free for all students via their free SHPA student membership. The winner, to be announced in September, will be awarded with an all-inclusive trip to Adelaide in November for Medicines Management 2024, Australia’s largest annual scientific pharmacy conference.

The ANZCAP Pharmacy Student of the Year award will recognise students who can demonstrate diversity in their learning by completing at least six of the currently available 11 dedicated student Learning Experiences (LXs) available through ANZCAP’s portfolio-building platform.

NAPSA President Bano Serhan is thrilled that students can now be awarded for showing a commitment to growth and learning.

'Portfolio-building is quickly becoming a core activity across the next generation of pharmacists in Australia. It's a clear way to showcase evidence of your growing skills while mapping a path for your pharmacy career.

'We're pleased to support the ANZCAP Pharmacy Student of the Year award and encourage all NAPSA and SHPA Student members to take advantage of their free access to ANZCAP by going into the running when the award opens in May.'

As part of its longstanding partnership the SHPA x NAPSA Student Symposium, now in its fifth year, gives an edge to proactive students who are considering a career in Australia’s fast-growing hospital pharmacy sector. SHPA is also the proud strategic partner of NAPSA’s Australian Pharmacy Students Journal, with the latest edition ‘The Future is Bright’ released early last month.

Self-nominations for the ANZCAP Pharmacy Student of the Year are open from 1 May to 31 August 2024 with the winner to be announced in September.

Further details can be found at: