Wed 14 February 2024
Special JPPR issue dedicated to final Geriatric Therapeutics Review is now available
The latest issue of the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA)’s flagship journal, Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research (JPPR), is a special issue dedicated to the last ever Geriatric Therapeutics Review (GTR), celebrating the end of the long-running series.
Available online from today, the Dec JPPR 2023 issue looks back at a selection of vintage and seminal articles from the 146 peer-reviewed articles published over the last four decades. Each article is accompanied by commentary from a past author or special guest. There are also two new GTR articles to round it out.
Some key highlights of the special issue are a commentary from geriatrician A/Prof Michael Woodward on what has changed in drug treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in the last 30 years, and a 20-year retrospective on ‘deprescribing’ from physician Prof Ian Scott. There is also a reprint of the original GTR article on deprescribing from more than 20 years ago. This was the first ever known use of the term ‘deprescribing, which is the foundation of SHPA’s highly successful MedsAware: Deprescribing Action Week campaign launched just year.
The journal’s GTR Section Editor, A/Prof Rohan Elliott FSHP, FANZCAP says the edition takes a retrospective look at the field of geriatric medicine, while providing a flavour of the vision and scope of the Geriatric Therapeutics Review series that made it so successful.
‘This special issue is a mix of contemporary and historical articles highlighting how therapeutics have changed over the last four decades, as new medicines were developed and we learned to use medicines more safely in older people, and how the Geriatric Therapeutics Review series informed clinicians on the appropriate use of medicines in older people over that time.
‘I would like to acknowledge and thank all those who contributed to the series over the years, including all of the authors, peer reviewers and editors. I especially acknowledge Robyn Saunders (pharmacist) for initiating the series and contributing to the editorial committee for some 28 years, and Michael Woodward (geriatrician) for his enthusiastic leadership of the editorial committee for over 20 years.
‘This special JPPR issue is a fitting tribute to the Geriatric Therapeutics Review series, and I thank the Journal and SHPA for enabling it.’
Editor-in-Chief Professor Michael Dooley FANZCAP and SHPA President Tom Simpson FANZCAP both acknowledge that GTR’s contribution to geriatric medicine has been extensive thanks in large part to Rohan Elliott.
Says Prof. Dooley, ‘Rohan has described in his editorial for this issue, that geriatric medicine, and the contribution and roles of pharmacists in this area of specialisation, have evolved over the lifetime of the GTR. Since 1986, the GTR has provided evidence-based articles that have informed practice and all those involved should be proud, especially Rohan for his leadership and passion over the last 24 years.’
Says Mr Simpson, ‘This JPPR edition pays special tribute to Rohan Elliott – recognised Fellow of SHPA and ANZCAP, inaugural Chair of Geriatric Medicine Leadership Committee and 2018 recipient of SHPA’s Australian Clinical Pharmacy Award.
‘His vision and dedication to GTR over so many years helped make this review a key component of JPPR since 1991 while making a significant contribution to increased awareness and knowledge of geriatric medicine.
‘GTR provides a strikingly clear example of hospital pharmacy identifying a problem, designing research protocols and sharing information to build understanding, and working to bring this into the mainstream of pharmacy practice.
‘We look forward to building on GTR’s influence and sharing its messages around geriatric medicine safety and deprescribing through our upcoming MedsAware 2024 campaign commencing 18th of March, which this year will focus on optimising care for older people and those people living with a disability.’
For more information on SHPA’s MedsAware 2024 ‘Deprescribing Action Week’ campaign, visit