SHPA supports transnational agreement on global de-carbonisation of healthcare
Tue 23 April 2024

SHPA supports transnational agreement on global de-carbonisation of healthcare

Yesterday on Monday 22 April - Earth Day 2024 - SHPA Chief Executive Kristin Michaels and SHPA Vice-President Dr Kate O’Hara FANZCAP (Neonatol., Paeds) (both pictured) attended the Transitions to Sustainable Health Systems Consortium inception workshop, convened by Monash Sustainable Development Institute (MSDI).
The agreement invites health system leaders from all sectors to develop pathways reducing the health system’s emissions – which, in Australia, contributes to about 7% of national greenhouse gas emissions. SHPA is proud to represent frontline health workers in this Consortium, with the hospitals and pharmaceuticals combined accounting for the majority of Australia’s healthcare-related emissions.
As flagged by Assistant Minister Gerardine (Ged) Kearney yesterday at the workshop, today, the Federal Government has announced an agreement – a world-first between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America - to work collaboratively on the global de-carbonisation of the healthcare system.
With each Australian government having committed to achieve net zero by 2050 or earlier – and with notable interim targets for 2030 – reducing the emissions of health care is vital if Australia is to meet these targets.
Sustainability is a key value of SHPA and we are proud to be a part of this crucial initiative, taking action to reduce the impacts of climate change on the health of communities Australia- and world-wide. In our Pharmacy Forecast Australia 2022 report, the very first theme was environmental sustainability, which included six recommendations that can de-carbonise Australia’s healthcare system and a partner perspective from the Climate and Health Alliance.

View the Federal Government's announcement.

View our Pharmacy Forecast Australia 2022 report.