SHPA submission to Senate inquiry on menopause featured in The Age
Tue 16 April 2024

SHPA submission to Senate inquiry on menopause featured in The Age

A recent article in The Age'All women go through menopause. So why is treatment so expensive?' draws attention to a range of submissions to a Senate inquiry looking at how menopause shapes women's health and careers - including SHPA's submission, which points out many areas of concern within the management of menopause symptoms for women across Australia.

'More than half of Australians may at some point experience the debilitating symptoms of menopause and perimenopause [which comes beforehand],' our submission says.

'For a condition that affects such a large population cohort, its management is poorly understood by both women and healthcare practitioners. Furthermore, despite readily available, safe hormonal and non-hormonal therapies, over 85 per cent of women with bothersome symptoms are not receiving evidenced-based care.'

The upcoming Senate inquiry will spotlight the use of hormone replacement therapy – also known as menopausal hormonal therapy – in Australia as it examines how healthcare and workplace policies may disadvantage women.

SHPA was the sole pharmacy organisation to provide a submission to the inquiry that addressed the need for better access to medicines and improved care for patients, and we remain committed to advocating for greater accessibility to, and knowledge of, appropriate therapies and care for those experiencing menopause/perimenopause symptoms.

Read more in The Age's full article and SHPA's full submission.