Broad research focus in third issue of world-first pharmacy student journal
Tue 28 February 2023

Broad research focus in third issue of world-first pharmacy student journal

Medication safety in pregnancy and breastfeeding, an international comparison on challenges and solutions in indigenous health care and access to a key anti-overdose intervention are among the many highlights in the third issue of the Australian Pharmacy Students’ Journal, the world’s first peer-reviewed pharmacy student journal.

The issue’s release marks one year since the APSJ – an initiative of the National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association (NAPSA), and proudly supported by the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) as strategic partner – was first published, a milestone reflected upon by Co-Editors-in-Chief Elissar Mansour and Elishka Juricka.

‘We are celebrating one year of student involvement, leadership and success.

‘In this past year, over 50 pharmacy students published an article in the APSJ, including six articles featuring the work of international authors, showing the journal is fulfilling its mission to provide pharmacy students everywhere with the opportunity to strengthen their skills in academic publishing and reviewing, while providing a platform for them to showcase their work.

‘We would like to thank all those involved in creating the APSJ thus far; especially the 15 academic experts who have helped us bring our ideas to life, from the APSJ advisory board to our academic reviewers, and SHPA as APSJ’s strategic partner.’

In ‘A Brief Comparison of Australia and Canada’s Healthcare Challenges and Solutions Within Indigenous Populations’ authors Jonathan Chan (University of Alberta, Canada) and Sarah Morisaki (Monash University, Vic) discuss the many similarities and slight differences between the countries, noting ‘continued collaboration with Indigenous communities and Indigenous-led initiatives is essential. Healthcare providers are often the first point of contact for many Indigenous; training and education are crucial to building trust.’

In ‘Crucial Role Of Pharmacists In Determining Medication Safety In Pregnancy And Breastfeeding’ author Nadia Zamri (Monash University, Vic) reaffirms the importance of the women’s and newborns’ pharmacist as a vital, emerging speciality role that should be elevated as a potential career pathway, and the related need for breastfeeding to be introduced to all pharmacy education programs.

While ‘Provision of Naloxone Nasal Spray: A Northern Territory Focus’ sees authors Maria Siskamanis and Natalie Milic (Charles Darwin University, NT) conclude via mixed-method observational study that supply of the nasal spray, routinely used internationally as a harm-reduction tool to reduce opioid fatalities, is limited, but could be expanding through increasing access points beyond the community pharmacy model.

SHPA Vice President Dr Kate O’Hara says the issue is a strong reflection of the talent rising through Australia’s pharmacy ranks.

‘The path to improving medication safety and broadening practice scope in Australia is evidence-based pharmacy practice and research that proves the potency of collaborative, team-based care.

‘As the strategic partner of the APSJ, we’re proud to support more pharmacy students to graduate having gained skills and experience in academic publishing, both from across Australia and around the world.

‘SHPA is the natural home of pharmacist specialisation in Australia and – as we look toward the complex clinical roles of the future in a range of evolving and emerging care settings – it is fantastic to see the power of collaboration on display in these excellent research studies.’

The APSJ sits alongside the Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research (JPPR), Pharmacy GRIT, the NAPSA-SHPA Student Symposium, Provisional (intern) Membership, internship support and Foundation Residencies and Advanced Training Residencies in SHPA’s suite of programs and resources providing a path into the challenging and rewarding world of specialised pharmacy practice.

Voluntary APSJ Peer Reviewer positions remain open to students currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Pharmacy Honours and/or Masters of Pharmacy, or current Pharmacy Interns with prior research experience.

APSJ article submissions are open to current Pharmacy Students and Interns in the form of original research articles, academic review articles, and case reports. Research in which an academic has supported a student will be accepted, however the student must have led the research, and must be the main author.