Another fastest million doses in state and territory clinics as Pfizer access expands
Mon 23 August 2021

Another fastest million doses in state and territory clinics as Pfizer access expands

The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) has welcomed the seventh consecutive fastest million COVID-19 vaccine doses in state and territory clinics – administered in just 11 days – with Sunday’s figures confirming the seven million dose milestone as the rollout total exceeds 17 million doses nationwide.

SHPA Chief Executive Kristin Michaels says that as the national COVID-19 vaccine rollout continues its rapid growth, hospital pharmacists and technicians continue to play crucial roles inside and outside Australia’s hospitals.

‘Thirty per cent of Australians over the age of 16 are now fully vaccinated and the number of doses administered daily now reaches beyond 300,000 Australians. The rate in New South Wales is currently outpacing the per capita peaks seen in the United States and the United Kingdom earlier this year.

‘This steady increase would not have been possible without the efforts of more than 830 state and territory run vaccination clinics across the country and large-scale clinics in our major centres, with hospital pharmacists and technicians at the heart of operations, complemented by nearly 2,500 community pharmacies in every state and territory.’

Ms Michaels says hospital pharmacists and technicians are rising to meet the enormous challenges posed by the Delta variant of COVID-19.

‘We commend the ongoing efforts of our members and their medical and nursing peers working in our hospitals, particularly those in New South Wales and Victoria who are providing care for 90% of the more than 600 Australians currently hospitalised with COVID-19, including more than 200 in intensive care.

‘Several of those hospitals have themselves sustained COVID-19 outbreaks, resulting in hundreds of workers being furloughed, and emergency department caseloads being redirected to other hospitals.

‘As a large percentage of our population continues to live through lockdowns, we need to use every weapon in the arsenal, and SHPA welcomes the recent announcement that the Pfizer vaccine will be available to Australians aged between 16 and 39 years old by the end of the month.

‘We’re proud of the commitment and leadership of our members since Phase 1a of the national rollout in February, as they continue to vaccinate our nation and provide a path out of the pandemic.’

Download the media release.